On a recent windy morning newly planted in Nantucket, I happened upon a beach full of perfect unbroken shells. They were a mirage of pink, lavender, and blue and my eyes could not be diverted from this endless blanket of layer upon layer of cool color. I was completely in awe of the backdrop of turquoise water and the crisp sun rising over the horizon.
All I could think about in that moment was that this experience every day could renew my spirit and bring me endless peace.
Yet it seems inevitable that the initial awe we feel in seeing something inspiring loses its luster over time if we see it continuously, often dulling our senses. Is this why we keep seeking and exploring? Must we strive to find solace in the road less traveled?
I can only say that for myself and many of the guests I've met here at Martin House, that Nantucket is a destination that so many return to for that very personal renewal of spirit and in the joy of the simple pleasures that only this island can offer. Summer is right around the corner....come experience serenity again with us.
Upcoming Events
April 26th-28th 45th Annual Daffodil Festival
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