Monday, November 9, 2020




As we leave Indian Summer and the month of October 2020 behind and walk through the last of the falling leaves into the more quiet month of  November, with the Thanksgiving holiday to look forward to and a multitude of reasons to be grateful, we  take time to  reflect and to remind ourselves of all the reasons we are thankful.  

Many have said it; it has been a challenging year.  At the Inn and in the world, it has been a year different from any other- one that challenged all of us and brought out the very best in so many of us.  It’s also been a year to reflect, redesign, rethink, and reimagine.  We have all struggled, but we have also been remarkably enriched by the way our society has pivoted and reinvented itself this year.  At the Martin House, we are in the business of taking care of guests who choose to stay with us.  They are the extended family who we do our utmost to take care of.  For three lonely months, we were unable to do so.  We are thankful that the ban was lifted and we again were able to welcome back returning guests and to come to know guests new to us.   It has been one of the great pleasures of our year to talk with all of you about how you were doing, what your hopes were, what you were thankful for.

We had to redesign how we ran the business.  From sanitizing to breakfast service, we took a step back and made an effort to deliver to our guests a safe environment.  Our incredible staff worked within the CDC guidelines to ensure the rooms were meticulously cleaned using the new procedures.  We modified our breakfast and offered heated outdoor seating areas so that guests could socially distance but still enjoy one another’s company, and a hearty meal to begin their days on this glorious island.  We are thankful that we were able to do so, and were so thankful for all the positive feedback and comments and reviews we received.


Restaurants and shops and theaters, having a similar situation upon reopening, had to rethink how their businesses would accommodate visitors to the island.  They went above and beyond, working with the Town, setting up beautiful outdoor seating areas (some with wood dance floors!) with heat lamps so that guests could once again enjoy the delectable delights their menus offered.  They offered virtual entertainment, often at no charge.  We are thankful that we have such a great, imaginative, generous and resourceful community.


We continue to hope that the world will soon return to normal but since the timing is at best uncertain, we will continue to reimagine how we can continue to improve and enhance the guest experience.  We are so thankful to be able to host our guests and to welcome so many of you back over and over again.  We look forward to continuing on that journey, and as always, are very thankful for those who make the journey with us.

As a token of our gratitude we are offering a Holiday Season special, 15% off certificates purchased as holiday gifts for use in the future.  Give someone the gift of Nantucket, of a special stay at your home away from home!  Mention “Holiday Gift Certificate” when you call!  Or treat yourself and come to Nantucket between Thanksgiving and Christmas and we will offer you the same discount!


Perhaps you would like to share what you are thankful for?

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